Caidyn's Vanity
The Full Story
About Me
Now a little bit about me, personally, so you know who you are hiring! (It's the fun stuff)
Passions & Priorities:
School/Work: What engineer isn't a nerd for science and math? I love to learn anything new and I can pick up on concepts really fast which helps drive my passion for learning.
Family: I am the oldest of four. Being the eldest means I am a natural born leader and it's stressful at times, but I always strive to be someone they can look up to and come to when they are struggling.
My Dog: I have a very happy freeloader. His name is Zero. He is a one -year-old Golden Retriever that loves to play tug-of-war and in the water.
Tutoring: Not only is it helpful for my understanding, but I love being able to help others grasp a topic and enjoy the content as much as I do. Being the eldest means you are either born a teacher or are forced to be one and I quite enjoy that part.
Basketball: I love to play and coach. I am coaching my first little league team this fall!
Reading: This is my "me" time. I have a very active imagination so I love to immerse myself into the fantasy worlds of my books.
Disney: I love everything Disney. I am not a weird Disney nerd, but I definitely am a Disney nerd. (For the classics)

Here is a picture my salutatorian and I from our high school graduation and one from a Circuits 2 lab. In Circuits 2 we would have to take pictures with our circuits for proof of work. I don't take many pictures of myself so this section is limited. I apologize.
Here's a picture of my three younger siblings and I. There is a funny story behind this one dealing with the boy in green. It produced the genuine smiles on the rest of our faces! My parents and the photographer were happy with the result.

Here is my puppy! Who doesn't love pictures of dogs?
Here are a couple pictures from some of my Disney Trips! I love adventure and one trip we got to do an Adventures by Disney, which is showcased by the one where I am on a wooden rope bridge. It was tons of fun! The other is just a generic one showcasing the castle.